How to Get Out of Your Own Way: A Step-by-Step Guide for Identifying & Achieving Your Goals
(In person & Virtual)
This program uses a combination of interactive questionnaires & exercises to help you turn around your career, your relationships & even your very own personality.
How to Get Out of Your Own Way shows you . . .
•27 self-sabotaging characteristics . . . which ones are holding YOU back?
•How your family background affects your career &how to escape negative patterns of the past
•How to form positive personal and business relationships . . . and let success "rub off" on you
•The 9 rules for defining success . . . and how they can help you re-evaluate your goals
•Discover who you really are and what you can be. Start making key decisions, great career moves and dynamic everyday choices in your life!
Cost (does not include cost of workbook ~$20):
$40.00 pp/session (minimum 6 people/group) OR $140 Individual