My name is Erica Williams, and I am the owner of LCCA.
GradD in Education, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Liberty University
Advanced Diploma, Life Coaching, Professional Christian Coaching Institute and Light University
Advanced Diploma, Crisis Response & Trauma Care, PTSD & Combat Stress, Military Suicide PAIR, Light University
Mediation Training, Supreme Court of Ohio
Critical Incident Response Training,
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) -
Certified Brain Health Professional, Amen Clinics
Licensed Brain Health Trainer, Amen Clinics
Certified Mental Health Coach, IBCC
Coaching Fees: Ages 10-19 $95 per 60 minutes
20+ $145 per 60 minutes 513.874.5433
My Story
So why am I a Brain Health Coach?
Basically I was sick of being sick.
I was sick of being depressed and or anxious.
I was sick of missing out on life overthinking, being overweight, and unhappy in general.
What changed? I took a course called “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” by Dr. Daniel Amen.
I realized a lot of what was going on was due to my brain chemistry & my nutrition. Even though I've eaten organic and clean for over a decade (I even stayed away from plastics and microwave, as much as possible) there was still something not right.
I have suffered from, struggled/lived with Anxiety and Depression since Junior High. I was on some sort of depression medicine for 23+ years. I tried so many different medicines. I hated the way they made me feel. Some made me feel numb, some made me angry, some made me have high highs and very low lows. I just hated not feeling normal.
Now what is normal? What's normal for me may not be your normal.
But I wanted to find out how I could be the best person I could be and not feel like I was missing out on life or missing out on the life that the Lord had for me.
I have healed from the Anxiety/Depression using the behavioral techniques, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, and natural supplements and that I use with my clients.
I have truly seen the truthfulness is Dr. Amen's quote "Get Your Brain Right and Your Mind Will Follow." with my clients!
Brain Health Coaching works for ADD/ADHD, Addiction (Substance & Behavioral), Alzheimers/Dementia, Anxiety, Autism, Depression, Nutrition, OCD, ODD, PTSD, Relationships, etc.
I would love to have the chance to help you heal your brain and your life! By integrating Dr. Amen’s work, brain health coaching is a way to differentiate myself from others in my field. O ffering a comprehensive approach to improving mental performance and emotional well-being.
Here are examples of what a Healthy Brain looks like (credit Amen Clinics) vs. and what my Brain Scan looked like in May 2023.​​​​​​​​​​​