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My name is Erica Williams, and I am the owner of LCCA. 

  • GradD in Education, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne

  • Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Liberty University 

  • Advanced Diploma, Life Coaching, Professional Christian Coaching Institute and Light University

  • Advanced Diploma, Crisis Response & Trauma Care, PTSD & Combat Stress, Military Suicide PAIR, Light University

  • Mediation Training, Supreme Court of Ohio

  • Critical Incident Response Training, 
    International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF)

  • Certified Brain Health Professional, Amen Clinics

  • Licensed Brain Health Trainer, Amen Clinics

  • Certified Mental Health Coach, IBCC

Certified Brain Health Professional Coach
Brain Health Licensed Trainer
American Association of Christian Counselors

Coaching Fees: Ages 10-19 $95 per 60 minutes

                                  20+ $145 per 60 minutes 513.874.5433

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My Story

So why am I a Brain Health Coach?


Basically I was sick of being sick.

I was sick of being depressed and or anxious. 

I was sick of missing out on life overthinking, being overweight, and unhappy in general. 


What changed? I took a course called “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” by Dr. Daniel Amen. 


I realized a lot of what was going on was due to my brain chemistry & my nutrition. Even though I've eaten organic and clean for over a decade (I even stayed away from plastics and microwave, as much as possible) there was still something not right. 


I have suffered from, struggled/lived with Anxiety and Depression since Junior High. I was on some sort of depression medicine for 23+ years.  I tried so many different medicines. I hated the way they made me feel. Some made me feel numb, some made me angry, some made me have high highs and very low lows. I just hated not feeling normal.


Now what is normal? What's normal for me may not be your normal.


But I wanted to find out how I could be the best person I could be and not feel like I was missing out on life or missing out on the life that the Lord had for me. 


I have healed from the Anxiety/Depression using the behavioral techniques, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, and natural supplements  and that I use with my clients.


I have truly seen the truthfulness is Dr. Amen's quote "Get Your Brain Right and Your Mind Will Follow." with my clients! 


Brain Health Coaching works for ADD/ADHD, Addiction (Substance & Behavioral), Alzheimers/Dementia, Anxiety, Autism, Depression, Nutrition, OCD, ODD, PTSD, Relationships, etc.


I would love to have the chance to help you heal your brain and your life! By integrating Dr. Amen’s work, brain health coaching is a way to differentiate myself from others in my field. O ffering a comprehensive approach to improving mental performance and emotional well-being.


Here are examples of what a Healthy Brain looks like (credit Amen Clinics)  vs. and what my Brain Scan looked like in May 2023.​​​​​​​​​​​

Healthy Brain-Amen Clinics
Healthy Electrical-Amen Clinics
Erica's Brain Scan
Erica's electrical brain activity
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